Snapseed, Fun & Easy Photo Editing
A photo editing app on your smartphone created by Google
Snapseed is a fantastic and free photo editing application that’s available on your Android or Apple smartphone. Created by Google, it allows you to bring in your own photos and touch them up with a variety of styles and tools.
Styles can be thought of as preset ‘filters’ and colour balancing that will change the colour balance of your photo. For example,if your photo is too dark, you may want to apply the ‘Morning’ style to brighten it up a bit like in the picture below.
Not only are their ‘Styles’ to choose from, but there’s a huge selection of Tools to use in order to fine tune your image.
They can do things like adding some lens blur to get a camera focus effect, but our favourite tool has to be the Healing tool that allows you to touch up and heal your favourite photos by removing objects, people or even holes in the actual photograph!
To begin, you simple click on the Healing tool and then with your finger, ‘paint over’ what you want to remove, try not to do too much as once! The app then does the thinking for you by analysing the picture around where you’ve ‘painted over’ and fills in the gaps with what it think should go in there. If it doesn’t look right, you can always use the back arrow at the bottom of the app to undo the most recent change!
Below is what the healing tool can do for you! As you can see below we have a lovely photo but there’s a pesky stroller in the bottom corner! So what we’ve done is opened Snapseed and select the Healing tool, ‘painted’ out the stroller in the photo and Snapseed has filled in the gaps to give a seamless image without it on the right.
So give it a go and create some stunning photos! The best way to learn is to just play around and find what works for you and what you like.