[section title=”_Keen to get more out of your_ Apple device?”][lead centered=”yes”]ReadyTechGo’s group workshops and courses are a great way to learn digital skills in an interactive, group environment![/lead]


[section title=”Gain _Digital Competency_” style=”white”]



[iconitem title=”Practical Learning” icon=”icon-edit”] ReadyTechGo’s workshops are practical and enjoyable. Our expert tutors make sure they explain things with real life examples, and the workshop is full of practical activities and exercises .[/iconitem]

[iconitem title=”Course Guide” icon=”icon-home”] We don’t expect you to remember everything. To make sure you can practise your learnings at home, all students are provided with a printed course guide.[/iconitem]

[iconitem title=”Tip and Tricks” icon=”icon-cog”] The best part about our workshops are the tips and tricks that we show you! Shortcuts, cool features and general tricks that you can show off to your friends and family!.[/iconitem]

[iconitem title=”Tech Savvy Tutors with personality” icon=”icon-thumbs-up”] Our tech tutors all come from various backgrounds, and have lots of stories to share. This makes your learning experience even more enjoyable.[/iconitem]

[iconitem title=”Absolutely NO mumbo jumbo” icon=”icon-magic”] Our tutors are trained in deciphering tech jargon. They use plain English and will provide explanations that you will understand[/iconitem]

[/span6][span6][flexslider slideshow=”Group Workshops” controlsposition=”outside” captions=”hide”]

[section title=”Workshops _and Courses_”]

We live in a digitally driven world

ReadyTechGo’s group workshops and courses are a great way to learn digital skills in an interactive, group environment

[portfolio portfolio=”current workshops” count=”18″ columns=”3″]


[section title=”Start_ Your Digital Discovery Today_” style=”dark”][pricing heading=”3 Months” price=”60″ per=”month” featured=”no”]

  • 3 months access
  • Unlimited group workshops
  • Printed workshop material
  • Weekly Tech Tips via email

[/pricing][pricing heading=”6 Months” price=”45″ per=”month” featured=”yes”]

  • 6 months access
  • Everything included in 3 Month Pass
  • Access to instructions & additional material
  • Email & Phone support using Remote Assistance Software

[/pricing][pricing heading=”12 Months” price=”30″ per=”month” featured=”no”]

  • 12 months access
  • Everything included in 3 & 6 Months Pass
  • Special Invites to Extra Workshops
  • 10% off One on One Lessons


Your Digital Discovery Pass gives you unlimited access to group workshops held at ReadyTechGo’s office. New workshops are developed all the time, so you can always keep up with the latest technology developments! Bookings must be made online or by calling 03 9434 2020. *All passes are paid upfront.  Fair Go Policy applies for remote assistance, and time to be scheduled in advance [/code]

[button type=”primary” label=”Terms” link=”//www.readytechgo.com.au/terms/”]