Meet Ruth Anderson

How long have you been a ReadyTechGo trainer for?
9 months
What was your previous job?
I worked as an IT Trainer for staff at a University and before that in a legal company. In the dim distant past I was a computer programmer and a computer support person.
What do you like most about being a trainer?
I really enjoy the interaction with my clients, the challenge of explaining things clearly and the satisfaction of seeing my clients gain confidence with using technology. Also I enjoy the challenge of learning new applications.
Whats the best thing about todays technology?
So much information literally at your fingertips.
What’s the biggest challenge with todays technology?
Keeping up with new developments and also there can be a downside to being constantly available and online – this needs to be managed.
How do you use today’s technology in your day to day living aside from your job?
I rely on accessing my calendar online at all times – I use this to manage my days and remind me of everything I plan to do. I often use Google to research all sorts of things. Google Maps is great for navigating when driving. And I’m now experimenting with some new Apps on my phone and iPad – a Shopping list app and BigOven which is a cooking app – I’m gradually adding all my favourite recipes and using my iPad in the kitchen.
What piece of technology could you not live without?
I’m afraid to say that I’m now very reliant on my android phone.
What words of wisdom would you give to others who lacked the confidence or belief in themselves to start learning technology or any new skill?
New things may be daunting but start slowly (with a good teacher!), practise often and be patient with yourself and you will be surprised.
Aside from technology, what was the last thing you made an effort to learn?
Sourdough bread baking
Do you prefer Macs or PCs and why?
PCs – I’ve used them for a very long time and understand much better how they work.
What is your online guilty pleasure? (Shopping, Elvis music videos, Facebook etc)
Probably Facebook. Joined up years ago to keep in touch with a son who was travelling and now use it fairly regularly. It has allowed me to reconnect with old friends and of course see photos of my grandchild and great nieces and nephews which I enjoy.
Name a website you couldn’t live without.
Tell us what information we should include in our next monthly newsletter!
Probably Windows 10 and what to do about the update offer