Linking your COVID vaccination certificate to the Services Victoria App
A walk through to help you get out and about again!
With Victoria opening up again for everyone who’s vaccinated, having your vaccination certificate at your fingertips has become increasingly crucial. But sometimes it can be a little tricky to figure out how to link it to the Services Victoria app, or even download it to your phone.
Don’t worry! We’re going to help you with a quick guide to show you how to do both!
Firstly, a tutorial from Services Victoria! This is a step by step visual guide about how to link your certificate to the Services Victoria app. There’s a video just below this. Click or tap play, follow the instructions, and happy checking in!
If this didn’t work for you for whatever reason, please look at option two, below the video.
Secondly, while it is preferrable that you link your certificate to your Services Victoria app, sometimes it takes medicare some time to process and it won’t let you link
If for whatever reason you can’t link your proof of vaccination to the app or you need some help, you can always just download it to your phone! Don’t know how to do that, or how to find it once you do? Just follow our steps below!
1. Go to the MyGov website on your phone and login
2. Scroll down to quick links, and tap on ‘Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination – Go to Medicare’
3. Scroll down, and tap on ‘Request a certificate‘
4. Check that you have selected your name, and then tap ‘Next’
5. Ensure the details are correct, then tap next
6. In this step, it asks you to input your passport type (Australian or International), and then put in some of the details that are in your passport.
When doing this, make sure to keep an eye out for your document number, the expiry date and your middle name as they have to appear exactly how they on the passport.
You may have to double check a couple of times to make sure everything is correct.
7. It will now prompt you to ‘view’ your cerificate. Tap on that, and it will download the certificate
Perfect! You’ve just downloaded your vaccination certificate!
However, how can you then show it to people? Well, it’s in files! Don’t know where those are kept? Don’t worry, just look below
1. Look for an icon titled ‘files’ or ‘documents’, below are some examples, though it might be a different colour
2. Once in, tap on the ‘downloads’ folder
3. The first document should be your vaccination certificate
And that’s it! I hope this makes it a little bit easier for you to get out and about